Monday, March 29, 2010
Drama week. Too much, too much that popped into my brains and yell at me for some reasons. I'm so typically aiming for a good day today, a good day for my best friend, Amir. A good day for him because it's his birthday. Because of my stupidity, we were caught red handed, neah, it doesn't mean anything dirty. We get caught hanging out at rooftop, playing snow spray. I managed to escaped from getting caught, I went to tuition and being called more than 5 times but couldn't answer it. It's because the involvement of me that causes such tragedy. What a traumatic incident. I almost loses my freedom, that aint important much. But what i know is, I almost lost my beloved friends who are involved in this matter which they shouldn't be. Things that should be happened today is Amir get his birthday right not getting in some shit issues. This is childish, and an immature issues. Because of playing snow spray at the gardens, we got ourselves into trouble, being humiliated by cleaning those bubbles up. It's all because of me, damn, i deserve nothing, all I know is my life is in serious deep shit now. I'm trying to occur in so many ways, to get everything back in their places and to get everything stabilized. By the moment I'm done, I'll be off to start new resolutions for my life. Which is be a better person. Cheers♥
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hey yaw people, I'm selling used clothes, later, i'll do a blogshop so you can view my clothes. The stuff i'm using isn't being destroyed or whatsoever. Some are unused items but bought it without thinking twice. Anyhow, need to find money! Oh yeah, Interact International Understanding Day is coming on this Sunday, woohoo! Can't wait to be there and dance till I drop. Tomorrow, I had to accompany Miss Anis for a little shopping at Sunway Pyramid. I was finding for an oversize tee. Hm, anybody who knows where it is, please do tell me! Cheers♥
Monday, March 22, 2010
I finally move on, woah. WHY AM I SAYING THIS? Well lemme list out. 1. my ex boyfriend who always haunts me finally got somebody new. 2. i like somebody else now but couldn't sure if i could have him soon. 3. i realized my life isn't lonely anymore since i had my wonderful friends. So yeah, finally move on after months of love that terrorizes me. Cheers♥
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Hey. I've been noticed myself lately, I'm getting more mature. I told Azmer to leave me and move on with his life and let me go. He barely could ever let me go. I can't live like this, seconds flew and I'm harsh towards him. He finally knows, love is something powerful, if we lose it, we will think it will haunt us for the rest of our lives. Thanks Azmer, for finally let me go after for a such a long months. There's another weird, remarkable things happened last night, I couldn't forget what just happened. Maybe it's just a dream, what the heck, it happened midnight, or should I say the hours before rays of dawn. Okay, let's cut to the chase, I was exchanging names with my friends for our display name. So most of the people accidentally told their biggest secrets to the wrong person, which is embarrassing yet fun. There was this guy, A, he thought me as B, his friend. B owe a money from A, then B which is me just play the role as B. A told B that he likes me and stuff, he was tryna win me last night but it didn't happened. Wanna know why? Because I broke the rules of the game and told A that B is actually me and B didn't online and I've read everything. I was touched at the moment he expressed it. I told him, I can make things be different the way he expects it to be. So, its all up to him. Just that afraid of him changes his mind, I was so panic. I meant maybe, just maybe he is the right person for me. He is one of my bestfriend. Couldn't help notice him helping me and stuff. It was just so sweet of him to do that. My mum once told me maybe, just maybe someone who I'm closed to would actually had feelings for me. And the rest, which is my friends, during my loner days, I've told them how i'd feel when I didn't achieve loves from the guy who is at my school. I wish to had a life partner who can spend the rest of his days with me, which is a person in school. But now that I've already got that person, he didn't ask for it yet. Not yet. Been waiting, I could wait, IF only old Norule didn't come back. Which is the most impatient, Norule. I know most of you who read this post will wondered who are they. Just wait and see, if things will happen the way it should be. If only things will turn out different last night, if only B onlines, and we didn't exchange names. I wonder what would go worst or go better. I wonder if only, I didn't told A that B is actually me. I wish I could turn back time and see what if B onlines and we didn't exchange names. It would make a big differences. Cheers♥
Friday, March 19, 2010
Hey there people! I am literally bored, and I feel like I wanna blog but I don't really know what to blog. So suggest me anything? Every day I see my dream. Every day I see my, every day I see my dream. Every day I see my dream. Ev ev every day I see my dream. Every day I see my, every day I see my dream. Every day I see my dream. Ev ev every day I see my dream. Every day I see my, every day I see my dream. Every day I see my dream. Ev ev every day I see my dream. Every day I see my, every day I see my dream. Every day I see my dream. I see my dream son! Every time I dive in my pool. It's hard to be humble When I do the breast stroke through an underground tunnel. And come up on the other side in a jacuzzi Being greeted by two naked models with suds on thay booties. They give me hugs and lots of kisses And they ask me what my wish is I say "Go and call yo bitches." Cause there's gunna be a party. Next they wash my body as a team and then they say "Foo your royal penis is clean." And I'm like, Yes, It's on and poppin' Yes, the parties rockin' Yes, the cuties shockin' Yes, and there ain't no stoppin' Yes, It's on and poppin' Yes, the parties rockin' Yes, the cuties shockin' Yes, and there ain't no stoppin' Every day I see my dream. Every day I see my, every day I see my dream. Every day I see my dream. Ev ev every day I see my dream. Every day I see my, every day I see my dream. Every day I see my dream. Ev ev (Every day I see my dream) Wakin' up next to a beautiful girl. Step outside and say hello to my beautiful world. Grandma's cookin breakfast she makes pancakes the best. I check my MySpace and I got alotta friend request. Yes, I get to dancin' as I. Walk through my mansion cuz I, Own porperty from California to the Hamptons and I, Sip from my water fountain that spits soda. Look out the window and wave at my nextdoor neighbor Oprah."Huh" I check to see how my albums doin' today. The group L-M-F-A-O goes double platnium "HEYY". I got a party man. That's how I live so I take my elevator To the club in my crib like, Yes, It's on and poppin' Yes, the party's rockin' Yes, the cuties shockin' Yes, and there ain't no stoppin' Yes, It's on and poppin' Yes, the party's rockin' Yes, the cuties shockin' Yes, and there ain't no stoppin' Yes, It's on and poppin' Yes, the party's rockin' Yes, the cuties shockin' Yes, and there ain't no stoppin' Yes, It's on and poppin' Yes, the party's rockin' Yes, the cuties shockin' Yes, and there ain't no stoppin' Every day I see my dream. Every day I see my, every day I see my dream. Every day I see my dream Ev Ev Every day I see my dream. Every day I see my, every day I see my dream. Every day I see my dream. I've memorized the whole lyrics, awesome right? Neah, just copy and paste from google :p BUT I DID MEMORIZED IT, ONLY COULDN'T TYPE IT DOWN.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
THIS POST CONTAINS MALAY LANGUAGE AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES. Ke/avin Raj, although I'm not your childhood friend, you are always my best friend. Its just a simple mistakes okay? Ok susah la nak ckp dlm B.I ni, aku thu aku bajet. Dah habis cite. Wey kevin, sorry la kalau kau fikir aku ni menyusahkan hidup kau je. Aku just bengang mase time kau ckp pergi mamposlah tu. Manalah aku thu kau bengang ngn aku sbb aku tk ajak kau dtg rmh aku. Bukan aku tk terfikir psl kau. Aku nak ajak kau tp aku tkt kau busy semua plus aku mcm mls ah nak ajk sjk kau cancel bende kita plan haritu. Aku honestly ngn kau. Aku bknnye tknk kwn ngn kau. Kau thu tk, aku dgr Anis cite kau dh nudge aku semua, tp aku tk dpt pun nudge kau, myb msn aku problem sbb msn aku mmg problem. Plus, aku cam busy buat bende lain gak. Yang psl aku main UNO tu semua ngn azhar, bknnye aku tanak ajak kau main, cuma time tgh chat ngn die, aku cam bosan ajak ah die main UNO, plus kau mcm dh lama gile tk tegur aku, aku igt ke kau busy, malas ah nak kacau so thts why aku cam tk tegur kau. Aku tahu kau ada tegur aku "yo kerek" aku terus cam bengang, malas nak reply, sbb kau thu thu jela, aku ni kuat sound org, nnt kau sound aku blk, mesti jd pergaduhan. Aku dhla malas nak bergaduh. And bile aku tgk cmnt facebook aku semua ke apa, kalau ade Shafiqah menyibok, mesti kau suruh dia diam and macam backup aku, siap ada hi5 semua. Kalau ade story ke apa, kita slalu share kan. Kau thu tk ape bende facebook stalker tu semua, skrg aku turun number 3. And aku tgk kau pun dh busy webcam ngn aqilah semua. So, aku malas nak kacau. I was just go with the flow. Sorry la, aku srsly tk sangka kau touching gila babi aku tak ajak. Plus faiz semua baru je 2 kali gerak rmh aku, kau dah emo plak. Kau nak emo buatpe? Aku tak layak ah ajak kau lepak. Kau en cool semua, aku ni sape je. Plus aku igt everytime nak grk garden, nak ajak kau skli. Tapi aku tkt kau fikir aku ni rosak ah apa ah cos aku shisha and kau tak. Kalau nak diikutkan aku mmg nak lepak ngn kau, Kevin. Tapi kau mcm busy je. Plus kau kan captain tu semua. Aku hanya dapat borak ngn kau dlm msn or kt sklh. Itu je. Everytime aku ajak kau lepak, kau busy. And aku takut ah kau tak ngam ngn faiz semua kalau kau lepak rumah aku. Dulu kita gossip byk, skrg kita benci byk. Apa nak jadi? Can we just follow the forgive and forget thingy. I mean, aku pun jealous kau skrg makin rapat ngn Anis and Aqilah! YE YE AKU MENGAKU, I MISS YOU KEVIN! Kalau kau nak tahu, aku dah semakin boring tkde kau. Aku tahu kau bengang gile ngn aku. Aku pun bengang ngn kau. Kita bengang ngn each other, nak buat cmne. But kalau kau nak tahu, eventhough we fought a lot, aku still anggap kau bestfriend aku. Abt the bday, thnks for coming, i know i'm rude tht time. But I was just playing arnd but you think of it the other way arnd. So Kevin, kalau ade org smpikan bende ni utk kau ke or kau baca sendiri ke apa, aku harap kau fhm maksud aku. Kalau aku tegur kau nnti, kau malas nak jwb, baik aku post kt blog so kau thu how much I appreciate you as a friend. I don't need no gift or any money, I just need you to be my friend again. I suck at taking care of my friends, so if you had any problems with me, just let it out, don't keep it in your heart and then scolds me for no reason. All you have to do is slow talk with me. I've understand you but I'm not a fan of being asked to get lost. So Kevin, last touch, do you want us to be this way for a few years or months or weeks later, or you wanna make it up to me by a.s.a.p? For me, I don't need anymore arguements, I've said enough. Thank you for reading this emotional thoughts. Cheers♥
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I, for who I am, most probably sometimes enjoyed my life for some reasonable reasons, which include the person who made my life is something that isn't to be regret of. People don't change for I-CAN-CHANGE-WHENEVER-I-WANT-AND-HOWEVER-I-WANT-IT-TO-BE situations. People change for some certain reasons, when things go bad, they became worst. When things getting good, they became a better, much better person. I'm not too fussy about my life. I love my life, thank you, GOD for making my life is something I treasure the most. For me, my beloved family and my fellow friends completed my life with joy. I don't need any other man to made my life felt worthless than ever. There most probably I couldn't not count how many words that exist in this world but I love that person more than anything, I meant by literally anything else in this world. I'd rather stick simple and not too complex. Because that's the way I kept myself low profile. Sometimes I wannabe a somebody who is talented in my own way. Maybe more to fashion senses and photography addiction. LOVE IS COMPLICATION. Real, passionate, romantic love is a complication. Two different genders attached but WILL SOON TO BE separated. Abstract is realistic, why does abstract exist? Because that's what realistic means. World isn't black or dull, world is colourful when you create it with happiness. I USED TO. <- What do you meant by I used to when you did good deeds? Mean you are now doing no good to people at all? Cheers♥
Monday, March 15, 2010
I was talking to you in a nice tone, but you screw it, it wasn't a big deal but you raise your voice to me?! What the eff is wrong with you, woman? You think you're so great that you can push me down and your gonna be on top? No, its not gonna happen. Me on the other hand was trying to ask you nicely and politely but you ended up yelling at me. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE FUCKING FUCK FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, FUCKER? Please, get lost and out of my way, i don't need you to block my view. Oh yes baby, you know who you are, wanna know why? Because we've seen each other faces almost everyday, no, you're not one of my family, you are my buddy but couldn't handle your tone, baby. Your tone is scratching my eardrums. Faiz, anis, you two people brighten up my day today with shisha. Tomorrow is another day to hangout with faiz and the gang again. Must have them to lepak or else I'm bored. Yeah, must finished my big "F" project. Cheers♥ ZOMG, my birthday party on 12 Mac is effing awesome, thanks to all those who came. You merried and turn my house into a freaking zoo. Had fun with the dancefloor. Credits to my flashlight, radio, light, glowing sticks. You people are just awesome! Will upload the pictures soon. Right now, busy with school projects, sorry. Story later. Cheers♥
Friday, March 12, 2010
Hey people. This post is dedicated to my fellow friends Anis and Aqilah. Sorry for posting it to the world, but I really need you guys to appreciate my thoughts. You two rockstars, used to be a double duo. What else does matter in the world if you guys aren't friends anymore. Not saying this is gay but unlike me, Surya and Shafiqah, we three are like three musketeers. We did fight, I meant always, seems like it's our hobby. To put an end of our fights, the only choice is to give up and let go. Our motto is the same like the one that i put my view onto, there's a bottle my friend's using. Got a sign "Forgive and Forget". That's what I've always told myself. Eventhough there's always some bad things, I meant really unspeakable bad things, I know I got to be strong and it's hard to lose a friend that you really really close to. You guys should remember all the good moments and keep away the bad moments. Remember that we used to laughed when we are beginners users of Shisha? And we spend our time window shopping at Sungei Wang mall. Remember when we were hanging out at Taipan, talking craps, some useful some worthless. I did enjoyed all those moments eventhough there's a bad, or worst moments, but we should be greatful because we have somebody to share it with. Appreciate those little things we did, it is always something that will stick to our heart forever. Through thick and thin, sickness and health. Everything that our life did, is always our friend to support us. Throw away the bads, people. It's not the end of the world if you two couldn't get your friendship into the most stabilize situations. Mine is complicated too, but luckily the Three Musketeers always stick till the end, because we realize, what does worth fighting for other than friendship? Hope you guys understands this. I really really want the two of you to made your way to happiness. Love you. Cheers♥
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Words could not describe how much pain I heard from people. AL-FATIHAH for Sofea's dad. He is a good man, husband and a father. We all will pray for him. Today, too much drama happened. It is something to not to be told.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Hey Hoe, Living with reality isn't just that simple. Too much complication to be dealing with. There's nothing much happened in school, morning before recess, we took some of pictures which what I called camslut instead of camwhore. After recess our adrenaline of hyperness pumping up and we took more and more stewpidbullshit(by surya) pictures. At home, I was studying Maths with those two monkeys, Adam and Shafiqah but ended up chit chatting like a bunch of monkeys. We were laughing our ass off, everytime Shafiqah laughed, at the end she ended up in the toilet, don't know what she was doing but we heard her singing. Then, our Taylor Swift number #1 biggest fan, which is Adam, singing it out loud making my eardrum annoyed. They went to school back by 3.40, in a sudden my teacher pronounces tuition without me, great-.- Shafiqah and Adam came back to my crib about 4.15 and I was awake from my evening naps because of those two monkeys. They wanna "lepak" again. We talk and talk suddenly my crib blackout and everybody were blaming on me. Then, we sent Adam home. By 5.40, Shafiqah's mother came to picked her up and I finally managed to pursue her mother to bring her to my party. Awesome! Well tomorrow, Kevin, Faiz and Akiff is coming to my house, preparing a dancefloor for my party. Hope this party is gonna be my best day ever. Cheers♥
Monday, March 8, 2010
Some troublesome weeks, words couldn't describes the pain I held to manage my life well. Though, I'm the Norule I used to be, hope what you see is something more beautiful, more indescribable. I used to picture the world a better place, picture it as the most amazing I've ever put my feet on the earth. I've imagined things would be different now. Awh, those sweet moments we shared, jump from one sofa to another and to the table singing our favourite songs during our childhoods. That was just when we were five. Now, things changed, we both go on our separate ways, both of us had somebody new, new bestfriends. My new bestfriend, if you are reading these, the words were invited my feelings of appreciation. "I wish you were my childhood buddies". Yes, I wish that would happened too, being greeted of an honour. I didn't realized that things happened so much in just a quick seconds. It seems like yesterday we were the kids full of joy, today we were separated by someone new. Words are harsh. Remembered that you use to told me "I thought you already have _ _ _ _ _" "How can I invite you, if you were too busy with your new bestfriend _ _ _ _ _" Damn girl, it was never too late, or never too busy for us to kiss and makeup the old pasts. We were used to be a good old buddies, bestfriends that uneasily being separated, but what happened? You, my good friend, do tell me, I wasn't myself that time. We used to dance on the table, the sofa. Now me and my NEW bestfriend reminded me back about the pasts. If there's a button that could made us turn back time, I would show my biggest appreciation for whom that invented such things. I was too afraid to tell you directly, so I've posted my grief in this blog, if you are also one of my readers, hope you know who you are. I've missed you my bestfriend, we weren't the way we suppose to be, we've just made our biggest mistakes, which is CHANGE. Cheers♥ And there he was, Staring into my eyes as a child stares at candy. He was an image of perfection. His eyes were so full of mystery, like a treasure wanting it to be opened. He could win any girl's heart, But he was awaiting my response to the question. My stomach was churning like milk in a blender. My heart was beating as if i had just run a marathon. I was so excited that he had asked me, Not just any girl, but me. All i had to do was get the words out, But it was hard. His perfection stunned my thoughts, Yet i managed to reply in a cool manner, The words flowing off my lips as water flows through a stream. "Sure, you can borrow my pencil." You came into my life Quietly, simply, placidly And my words stood still..... I couldn't express in words Or even in simple gestures The secret i kept in my heart. So i loved in silence, Admired you from a distance, Dreamt of you from afar. I wanted to say I love you... I wanted to say i care. But cowardly, maybe, you'll only laugh at me. In silence then I will love you.. In silence then I will care... I never thought i'd find myself the day that i found you, Plans for only one or me are future plans for two. Soul mates in this universe that make the world surreal. For when I'd given up on dreams you showed me love is real. And now that all my love for you will never cease to grow, please take me in your loving arms and never let me go.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
You made me outrageous during our days together, Thought you felt the same way as i do, But I was absolutely wrong, My hopes and needs for you fade away, My heart crushes till felt the burning i carried, The pain I'm carrying is a burden I would like to ignore it, The news you brought me, It's like bringing death. Now, we're just the WE, the person we used to be, Thought things would be miraculously different, I know things that you see from that girl, Is much better than you see inside of me, We're just friends, hope we are more than that, It's just a dream, a fantasy, a fairytale that i kept on hoping it to come true. I'm burst into tears, covered with sadness, My life by knowing this, turning dark and cold, You're so sweet, blind me with your most best attitude, I love the way you treat girls and especially a nobody like me, I know my hopes are crashing down to drain, Being swept away by the sea. Oh damn, I hate being me. Thanks for being a good friend to me, I love your good deeds, I just can't forget about those precious memories we shared, Thought you're gonna be the guy I was wishing you to be, But no, it's just a dream. I always wanted to tell you how i felt about you, I had no balls and courage and wisdom to express it to you, I meant, who am I? I'm just a nobody, I blame god to let us meet, Because I just... Can't forget about you. Hey, I'm totally emo-ish and this is dedicated to MR I-can't-tell-you-who-is-he. Cheers.
Monday, March 1, 2010
6 papers are done for now. 3 more to go -.-' Planning things after exam, too much to list. Many Many Many things to do. Okay for base, I would celebrate my birthday between Sunway Pyramid's Redbox or Holiday Inn, Subang Jaya which is where Shafiqah's dad working, might be getting some discount. Hanging out with old school mates slash ex seafieldian, planning to. Getting my allowance, in a deep need for money. Hanging out with my buddies. Can't wait to try being attacked by TEMPEK people. I don't know what else but I'm gonna do some computer screen shopping, which is finding clothes in blogshop. I'm searching for stonewash skinny or top and a dress for IU Day, If I'm attending. Oh and I gotta admit, sorry If I sounded so bitchy, but I dislikes lace and flora dresses because it looks like it was being wore by grandmas. Like literally, seniors. Sorry for those lacey and floras biggest fans but soon you'll notice what I was telling you about. Oh yeah, I'm gonna make a wishlist for my birthday. Hmm, I wonder... Could I have speedlight? Or new phone? I don't have this year's wishlist, all I need is some joyful moment of my birthday and CASH$$$. Cheers. Hey, after a while, since like a week of dramas. - Homeworks getting to becoming my pile of junk in my room - Bitches starts to claim they're a whore - Bozos calculating their bozoness - Me gettin' busy - Psychopathetic teacher starts to chase my ass - The suppose to be unemotional rockstars turn into emotional gothic freaks. - myspace starts to complete my chart of boredom and facebook creating the whole new me. - been missing my perth, love you perth. I'm in deep pain of complication. Friends, guys. Damn son, should I've just accept the fact we wouldn't last any longer in the future? We should just be friends, ain't that right, bloggie woogie? Well, it's just so hard to let go of something we wanted so much but turns out pretty ugly. Due to all this depressive situations, I got myself into suicide. I shisha-ed too much, it's wrong, killing our brains and lungs but thats how I've expressed my anger and more. It isn't all the feminine situations, all the fucking hormones shit yada yada yada. Its just me, with my attitude problem. I tried to make some stupid jokes to keep me away from lovesick and more. But it ain't working. I meant I'm still starting my emotherfuckingshit attitude. I wanna act normal, I love the old me, It's because the new me, causing typhoons around the area. Causing jeopardizing. I started to being so socialize that I couldn't realize the outside world turns dark and cold, felt like socializing is an option to solve my problems. Heck no, must face reality and don't back down. It's just stagefright. My world is my stage, my fans are my friends and I'm as the performer. Life is a drama but attitude causing the assumption of em'. I started to oversocialized, need to reduce it. Need to turn the old me again, the nerdy, the doesn't-care-about-any-shit-happens attitude. Love that oldie me, but most friends will hate em. Cheers♥ |
Eat Chat, Sleep Chat, Breathe Chat
Talk it out loud
About the users,
Off and go. ![]() Hey, I'm Norule, already 15. And my personal assistant for this blog is Shafiqah. If she feels that she wants to blog, she will blog. She always quotes so that's how you can tear apart the differences. Oh yeah, the person who wore the yellow shirt is Shafiqah. That's all, bye Reminiscence,
Recall the love past.
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