Saturday, October 31, 2009
Anissterpaksatukarnamesbbnorulepaksa- says: haha senyaplah Noruletakpernahmasukakalsebabdiataklehnakmasukdalamakal says: tknk! nnt aku senyap kau memekak as aku senyap Anissterpaksatukarnamesbbnorulepaksa- says: ye la ye la suke hati kau laaa hhhhhmmmmmmm Noruletakpernahmasukakalsebabdiataklehnakmasukdalamakal says: ha thupun Anissterpaksatukarnamesbbnorulepaksa- says: ye aku tau weh i miss you seriously rse rindu nk raba2 kaki kau hahahaahaha ! Noruletakpernahmasukakalsebabdiataklehnakmasukdalamakal says: hahahaa are you a retarded? weh malam ni kau kene ganja ke apa? ke makan pil khayal tgh mlm? tetibe buang tebiat rindu aku Anissterpaksatukarnamesbbnorulepaksa- says: hahaaha kau nk aku jiwang tak? haaa, kau jgn memaen Noruletakpernahmasukakalsebabdiataklehnakmasukdalamakal says: kau? JIWANG?!?!?!?!?! Anissterpaksatukarnamesbbnorulepaksa- says: hahaaahahha ! nk tak? aku try haha Noruletakpernahmasukakalsebabdiataklehnakmasukdalamakal says: ok try me berjanggut ku menunggu mu membalas ucapanku Anissterpaksatukarnamesbbnorulepaksa- says: wahai kekasih jgnlah kau berkata sedemikian perut ku sgt lapar, kekanda mahu bersantap sebentar Noruletakpernahmasukakalsebabdiataklehnakmasukdalamakal says: kau ni bukan jiwang, guna ayat nabi muhammad ade ah Anissterpaksatukarnamesbbnorulepaksa- says: HAHAHHHAHAHA eh silap2 hahah Noruletakpernahmasukakalsebabdiataklehnakmasukdalamakal says: masalah betul Anissterpaksatukarnamesbbnorulepaksa- says: hahahahahahahahahahaha aku tgh gelak habis weh Noruletakpernahmasukakalsebabdiataklehnakmasukdalamakal says: kau igt kau sorang cume aku tk type "hahahaha" je Anissterpaksatukarnamesbbnorulepaksa- says: hahahaaha Noruletakpernahmasukakalsebabdiataklehnakmasukdalamakal says: weh aku nak msk dlm blog aku ah psl ni mmg sengal ah Anissterpaksatukarnamesbbnorulepaksa- says: bangang klaka lah babi Noruletakpernahmasukakalsebabdiataklehnakmasukdalamakal says: agklaa Anissterpaksatukarnamesbbnorulepaksa- says: aku dah nk tercekik air liur dah ni hahaha Noruletakpernahmasukakalsebabdiataklehnakmasukdalamakal says: kau gelak part mana? Anissterpaksatukarnamesbbnorulepaksa- says: yg aku tersilap ckp, pegi ckp bahasa 'nabi muhammad' hahahahaa padahal bukan jiwang hahaha Noruletakpernahmasukakalsebabdiataklehnakmasukdalamakal says: agk ah otak aku tetibe je kuar perkataan tu sbb kau pegi WAHAI KEKASIH gila nabi muhammad punye version Anissterpaksatukarnamesbbnorulepaksa- says: HAHAHAHAHA TERCEKIK AKU BODOH Noruletakpernahmasukakalsebabdiataklehnakmasukdalamakal says: sabar weh aku still kuat iman tak gelak smpi tercekik aku tkdela tercekik mcm kau buat aku dgn gula gula babi kau tu smpi msk sjmc Anissterpaksatukarnamesbbnorulepaksa- says: hahaha ohh ! ungkit laaa? Perempuan ni memang sengal. aduyai.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Hey hoe, yesterday. DAMN yesterday. Had fight with my mum and sis over a laptop ended up my dad owns it. Then had fight with Ajie. And he needs to read what i'm about to tell him but in malay. Because I don't sound people in English but I sound them in Malay. So ajie, hope you are reading this "weh aku malas nak gaduh dalam speaking ke, cakap baik baik ke apa. Aku cakap direct je. Sekarang kau bace baik baik. kalau kau buta, aku taktau apa nak cakap ah. Dalam byk byk laki, aku rase kau ah laki paling haram aku penah jmpe. Perangai macam anak haram! Kau sape, nak panggil aku bohsia? Aku kuli kau ke? Weh tetek aku tak kene main, puki aku tak kene jolok jadi aku tak bohsia la. Bukan macam kau! Lelaki pelacur, perempuan beratur and bayar nak main kote kau. Weh kau bajet bajet nak rogol aku ni apahal? Kau ade kote ke nak rogol aku? Weh aku dah muak aa dengan ayat ayat camtu. Ugut ugut, tak bertempat! Setakat mulut bercakap, aksi takda, apa barang? Kau tahu tak, aku fed up gila ah ngn kau. Aku thu aku perempuan paling kurang ajar yang penah kau jumpe. Tapi ini baru sikit je, at least aku tak macam kau, bajet gangster nak gaduh ngn perempuan. Kau tak kenal aku lagi weh, so tapayah ah nak meramal masa depan aku. Kau nak main gila ngn aku ke? Aku on je. Weh aku nak kau tahu, kalau aku jumpe kau, mulut kau celupar, mulut kau hilang dulu then aku sunat kau. Biar kau tak subur and bisu. Aku dah buat baik dah ngn kau. Aku dah cakap haritu dah yang aku tanak kita dua gaduh dah. Kau fikir aku apa? Permainan pergaduhan? Aku dah lama bersabar, ini baru separuh daripada apa yang aku pendamkan selama ni. Lagipun, aku suruh kau mengaku je kau kacau surya ngn aku guna public phone. Tapi kau mule cakap merepek repek. Mengaku je weh! Tapayah memperbesarkan hal ni. Lagi kau besarkan, lagi ah aku nak lawan. Kau patut tahu, aku champion berdebat la weh! Kau tapayah nak gaduh ngn aku dah, aku dah anggap kau si pukimak sesat jalan. And btw, aku harap kau dah cukup terhina dengan kata kata aku ni, chows.". And I hope you realize that you're an asshole. Oh by the way, I called azmer, and he cheered me up with his singing friends. Aw, so sweet of him to do that. Now about today, nothing much happened, Got my 1 hour guitar class, and finished my 2nd day of exam. the end. ADEVERCI (:
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Hey hoe, OMG. I have so much to tell you. Yesterday, I was playing rockband and kind of bored of staying home with the studying and stuff. Then, I went back home. Aqiela's online. I got an idea and asked her to sleepover+study with me. So, like yeah her mum agrees and then she arrived around 7 something. We went to Sunway Pyramid to accompany my mum and my sis for shopping. I'm tired of waiting my mum choosy attitude at the store so like I'm hungry. Asked my mum for 20 bucks which I don't bring money okay, er had my dinner at burger king. It was fun having dinner with aqiela, we gossip a lot. After that, we went back to the same store cause my mum asked me to. Then, we waited like 20 mnts over there and my mum still doesn't showed up. Aqiela is so damn crazy about AKON's concert at Sunway Lagoon. So like, we rushed to the elevator. OMG, we ride it about 2-3 times since we don't know what floor the McD situated because there's an escalator which went towards the lagoon. Then we finally reached there but couldn't see Akon but get to see thousands of people there and couldn't hear Akon's singing. Daymn. So, we rushed back to the same place, and met my mum there with her new handbag-.- And we went to Puma cause my sis wanna new Ferrari designed handbag. We reached home at 9. Decided to study, ended up onlining. Mr K thinks I'm being overreacted and kerek because of some certain things you shouldn't know why we ended up fighting. I was just playing around, can't believe he got it into some serious issues :o And Anis and Aqiela were like so damn frustrated watching me and him argueing. Me with my mouth -.- . We got into this 4 people convo so like yeah, they're the middle asshole. HAHA. Anis was confused which she is talking to so I put MSN display name "Aqiela dan Norule SDN. BHD. yang tak berapa sendirian" and we went laughing and laughing our ass off. Me and K already finished debating. So we brb because we are drop dead hungry. Anis was so damn mad at us that we didn't told her that we were eating as she felt like she was chatting with walls. We went upstairs around 2 something and found out that none of them were onlining. How depressed-.- So we studied and then in a sudden, Aqiela was asking me about the wallpaper and stuff and then she accidentally woke up my mum with an annoying alarm in my house because she open my sliding door. OMG, aqiela aqiela. Then, we're asleep around 4.30 am and woke up at 11. My mum went home with a tons of books borrowed from her friend's son just for me. Then, like me and aqiela arranged the book by following the subjects. Then, we called Anis to come to my house for study group. She arrived around 3. Then we had our bath at 4. Before that I was on the phone with Azmer, I was kind of hyperstatical. Then, he went on moody because I said something wrong. I cheer him up and he was okay. Then we were chatting chatting chatting instead of studying studying studying. We studied around 5.30 and then my mum went to the airport to pick up my dad. I told my mum I'm going to Anis's crib. She said YES. Then, we studied math there. Later, we sent Aqiela home and it rains, Anis's annoyed me by slowing her move because she wores platform. Ergh, my clothes are wet but thank god it dries before my mum reached Anis's crib. And then, Anis offered me free passes to Jennifer's body. I accepted it but need to reconfirm with my mum. Then, arrived at my home. My dad got up with Chloe brand leathered bag for me. WHOOH, happy! Then I asked my mum about the JB. And she said I couldn't go because of my 1 hour guitar class just because 2 last weeks got no class. Eff you see kay! Erghhhhh. Okay I guess that's all for today. Gonna have my exams tomorrow until next tuesday. So, will be update after finals (:
Saturday, October 24, 2009
![]() I make myself blown away, I'm moving up to be a rockstar. Do things my own way, I'm an undertaker. Met somebody look exactly like me. Need to glued my drumstick at my hands. I seriously need to get a life yo, I don't know what else to talk about in my life other than "whatcha doing", "how's life", "how are you" and yadayadayada. DAYUIMN, i'm bored with my life. Exam's are coming, where's studying, norule. Need to find a freelance job before next term starts to give my pocketful of money. I'm bored of being the slut who kept on talking porn, it kills me. Hey guess what, I got an idea. What if I write a book title "100 dates" if my boyfriend and I broke up at date 100. HAHA neah, i'm not that crazy. LOL, i meant it by literally. Can't wait after school. Here's the list of what I'm gonna do and if it's happen, yeay me. ------------> ---------> -----> --> 1. Go and take a great shot of putrajaya bridge. 2. Playing snow spray, waterballoons and bubbles at USJ 6's playground with buddies 3. Going travelling to woods. 4. Play go kart. 5. I don't know, you tell me (:
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Since it's been a while for me not to update my blog, I'm gonna complete it now. I'm gonna type in whatever is in my head. |
Eat Chat, Sleep Chat, Breathe Chat
Talk it out loud
About the users,
Off and go. ![]() Hey, I'm Norule, already 15. And my personal assistant for this blog is Shafiqah. If she feels that she wants to blog, she will blog. She always quotes so that's how you can tear apart the differences. Oh yeah, the person who wore the yellow shirt is Shafiqah. That's all, bye Reminiscence,
Recall the love past.
December 2008 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 August 2010 December 2010 |