Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Three cheers for NORULE! Yeah, my blog is done, I am so darn tired thinking of some designs. And it seems to be many linkers now. HAHA, I love linking people. No, seriously. Well okay, night loves <3
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
![]() I'm so in the mood to talk steaming word. haha and im currently addicted to my calculator. I can type in "norulerock", "fucker", "bitch", "boob", "babi". and seriously most of it, CURSE. Yeah. I am in the mood for horny talks. but NO I'm typically busy with my folios right now so I ain't continue talking. We should chat after I am not "busy" hahaha. As I chat with Shahira, we write down stuff: ![]()
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I had a big fight with surya. Everybody had a little misunderstanding. But yeah, we're okay now only Surya doesn't slap our boobies, weird o.0 And I had a fever today. Yeaaah, and ariff is mad at me because of my weird attitude. I had no mood to chat to anyone. I am so friggin tired and need to finish my project. And I am seriously out of words now. Byebye
Sunday, April 19, 2009
HAHA that title was dedicated to ariff! We chat with Ariff so like they were using my name and I don't like it so Surya put it into Norule, Surya and Shahreen. And I was like "are you serious" and I laugh my pants off. So we chat and chat talking about our life and underage stuff. And me and shahreen planning to get SURYA bumm. And ariff found out surya likes him and he went all "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT". Surya didn't know cos I ask surya to go upstairs with me fetch my camera over. And then su and shah were having catfight rolling on the floor pinching each other boobs. Sorry, it is so not my problem so I'm not into it. Around 6.15 we went to padang to meet Hafiz, Shahreen's Boyfie. Then, we heard the ice-cream man fart and shahreen laughing out loud whereas me and Surya just don't care about it. There were many black hommies at padang and Shahreen keep saying "Mahalo2". Pfft, she nuts. Surya sent me back around 7. And there goes today.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
![]() Today was the best day and so do a day of sweat perspiration. Seriously, darn hot. I was elected as photographer winkwink*. Actually, I went to MPSJ for folios but the teacher wants my pictures. So, I can't deny it right? There was a lot of hot girls and guys to be envied. A lot of fun "senamrobik" moves, red team was the best, Fazrian was the best. HAHA. I never know fahim had DSLR for his birthday? And Surya was like so athletic looking hotstuff with shades ;P Everybody had a shades but I had a transitions glass blueeekkk ;p I can wear it anywhere and anytime unlike shades -.- I met some girls I thought they weren't from seafield. HAHA! Sorry Yana, your hot -.- Firstly, I thought you're a form 1 because you look like one. Asha got her sports day too and after that she hangout at taipan and invited me but I was going to Summit. Seriously, I met Meor there but I ignored him. He had a GIRL FRIEND. Darn it, thank god he didn't see me. And Nini's dudes were doing parkour. Showing off their skills =___= Me and Nini and Nayly did the same thing but just small baby steps hahaha. We went home by 6.30 with sweats. eeeyuuuuckkkk! I am so gonna regret today. But I'm not.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
![]() this picture is taken by somebody, dunno who the hell is that. BRYAN ADAMS HIGH SCHOOL When you are blur in the morning of course you cannot get the idea right? But still the teacher were like so damn sarcastic. Making fun of each every one of us. Seriously, I dislike Pn. Teh. I hate when she tell jokes about us and scolding us for our simple mistakes. It's just one mistake, scolding is doing no good but advising and teach em how to do was like the part of the deal. New kid, still blur is not for letting out your anger. She was just a new kid, of course she can't be every part of her brain? Damn. I am really dissapointed of teacher nowadays. HELLLOOO?? People learnt from their mistakes! THIS POST DOWN THEREEE IS ENTIRELY LAST YEAR. I AM CONTINUE BACK THIS YEAR. HAHA. I am being forced to blogging by ASHA -.- hahaha I hardly blogging actually. Today was pathetically boring. And I had a pen fight with Surya. We need pen man! So we had our head push, and I felt itchy. I thought there's a flea and then everybody start searching for my flea, even Zheng yi too. Jennifer and I was like mama monkey and little monkey. Gosh, Agama is quite boring. There's no teacher and nothing to do so we just hanging around spraying water and kicking each other asses to get satisfaction. I was so darn exhausted from that part. Anyway, Sports day is just around the corner. I will update some pictures soon. Well toodles, I have to hand off the keyboard. I need to go to sleep for tomorrow Science tuition. BYE! |
Eat Chat, Sleep Chat, Breathe Chat
Talk it out loud
About the users,
Off and go. ![]() Hey, I'm Norule, already 15. And my personal assistant for this blog is Shafiqah. If she feels that she wants to blog, she will blog. She always quotes so that's how you can tear apart the differences. Oh yeah, the person who wore the yellow shirt is Shafiqah. That's all, bye Reminiscence,
Recall the love past.
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