Thursday, December 9, 2010
BRO, WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PEH-RO-BE-LEM? *malay mode* Bila masa aku cari kau? Bila masa aku kacau hidup kau? Bila masa doh? Cuba kau cerita sikit masalah kau tu apa? Kau yang rajin sangat menyemak kat inbox aku. Ada aku ajak kau gerak KL? Eh tak doh. Kau yang over kay? I was trying to be nice konon aku mengharapkan kau datang. Firstly, yes it's fucken true I MISS YOU, I can't move on. Tapi aku tak ada la nak buatkan kau fikir aku mengganggu hidup kau. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BUT YOU JUST CAN'T APPRECIATE THE EFFORT I'VE USED TO GET YOU BACK IN MA LIFE. Aku dah buatkan bahasa melayu since kau bodoh sangat dalam english bila aku guna english. Kau ni memang bangangkan? Harap je belajar tinggi tinggi tapi sama gak bangang. Muka dahla macam ebony, ada hati nak perasan aku cari kau? Kau yang call aku selalunya, kau yang tanya mana aku. Pastu tak tentu pasal aku pulak yang kena. FO SHO kau penyakit Anemia kan? Hilang ingatan. Oh wait aku sendiri tak ingat start dengan apa penyakit hilang ingatan tu. But Alzheimer is for senior citizen so yeah. BUT THE FUCKEN CONCLUSION IS APA MASALAH KAU SIAL? Kau tak puas hati, mari datang rumah aku, takkan kau bodoh sangat tak ingat rumah aku, kau yang dulu rajin "layan" aku kat rumah ni. Bodoh sial kau tak menghargai aku langsung. Takpe aku dah tak kisah pun pasal kau. Kalau kau mati awal aku tak cakap pun innallillah lah brader. Pfft chow.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
DUDE, I'M TIRED OF BEING MRS NICE. I GOTTA SHOW HOW TOUGH MY ASS IS BITCHES. firstly, dude c'mon what's your motherfucking reaction when I did state the fucking obvious that I like you? OH YEAH NONE. And you just know how to made people pissed huh? I didn't show how pissed I am but soon I'm turning into a motherfucking hulk squeeze you till every of your bones break. I don't give two fucks about what you gonna say about me. I don't give two fucks if you dislike me. Am I that despo? YES MOTHERFUCKER YES. since you are acting like a mofo, i bet you even hurt a BIGFOOT. You get this bitch? I bet this slapped you right in your soft zit-less face huh boy? Oh yeah one more thing, phrase fuck and go suits you. You know how to make things complicated aren't you? Okay let's face it, every girls dig you, durhhhh, who doesn't? BUT DON'T MOTHERFUCKING PLAY WITH MA HEART MAN OR ELSE IMMA BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN TILL THERE'S NO DUST AROUND. chow mofo. Secondly, YES I KNOW, JOKES. Oh c'mon do i look like a guy that you can try to pull out evil sarcasms like that? i'm a girl, get yo facts right bitch. I maybe look like OHMAIGAWDYRAMOTHERFUCKINGCOOLPERSONTOTALKTO type of person but yet, DO I LOOK LIKE I'M LAUGHING? OHYES, we're on twitter, you can't notice the LOOK. The 'do i give a fuck' look. If you don't know my shits, ya gotta dig real hard to find out what the fuck is wrong with me these days. YEA MAN I KNOW WTF! MY GOD PMS WHILE NOT ON PERIOD. this is some motherfucking shit mannnnnn! HOLYSHITTTTT NURUL IS ON PMS YOU GOTTA BACK OFF OR YOU'LL DIE. c'mon, deal with em. I might be pissed but cool me down if you are my friend. not backing off. life is not fucking awesome. so you gotta deal with my temper mannnn, right now i'm pulling my socks, but later i'll do a mohawk, making you all grunt and fucked up since i'm the one who soon be messing with you dufus. GOODLUCK SON, CHOW.
Friday, August 13, 2010
I've been called short, skinny, nerdie and so on. I've approved people randomly. I'm a bimbo. My mouth always open wide. Dude, I'm no skinny model ANTM biatch. I'm not perfect. I'm not every guys dream. But I know one thing in mind, and there's always changes in life. So yeah. Things like these should be list out. Upcoming beauty: 1. Get a pair of coloured contact lense. 2. Grow long hair 3. Grow tall 4. Work out on my abs. 5. Get braces. 6. Facial treatment. 7. Spa perhaps? 8. the rest is up to me. I hope, things will work out. I'm norule, and I've been single for 7 months, AND I'M FRIGGIN HAPPY FOR MYSELF! No more dudes tryna bother my life, no more assholes in my life. It's just me, fam, and friends.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Due to counseling this morning, whole day package, I'm starting to realize that I did so much wrong doings in my life. And I know that I didn't play hard to get over something that I wanted so much. So, this is just a simple brief for you to know all I wanted to do or to get during present and future :) 1. Get my Sigma repaired 2. Buy films for SLR 3. Buy new, good quality of wide angle 4. Learning more on taking good photos 5. Get good grades 6. Buy outfits for Campfire Night 7. Enjoy life as time running, life is too short 8. Stuck single for at least a year 9. Find a great new guy. 10. Never skip class anymore. 11. Pray more. 12. Quick fooling around 13. Start to act serious in life. 14. Don't blame others for my own mistakes 15. Get rid of negatives and begin new positive. If there's more, I'll list it out. Cheers♥
Thursday, April 29, 2010
I thought life would be more superior without any problems. Oh guh-reat, problem just came. Never underestimate to the power of arguements. I wasn't really satisfied, things haven't settled yet how can she go and blew it off just like that. It will feel so awkward sitting next to her, feeling all rage up and sitting right next to her. Can't avoid from meeting each other. It's too, unbareable. I couldn't manage all my oversensitive feelings, its just too hard to control the ultimate resistance. Firstly, anything have its own limit, such as my temper. It owns a limit, so when you cross the line, don't dare to step onto it, because you know worst things might happen if you do and in the end, you were just holding onto the rope while you are hanging at the sky trying to find way to save yourself, and its all depending on me. Because I'm your hero, once I lose my trust on you, there's no longer a hero for you. You couldn't change the past, everything might turn up the other way around than what you expected it to be. So, stop doing that thing you do, blaming things to me while you got your own issues too. Before you blamed me for something i'd never do, look in the mirror and ask yourself, are you right or just simply wrong? Cheers♥
Friday, April 23, 2010
Audi, we've been a family for 4 years. You're the longest that stays in my family. There's no other type like you. You make my life worth a thousand words of description. People just know me because of you, Audi. You never fail to entertained me without noticing your speed limits. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I felt like I'm gonna cry over a car. Well, Audi is just not any other car. Audi is like a sister or a brother to me, always carried me to everywhere I wanted to be. I'm gonna miss you Audi. I love you~ You know what I've heard? There's a traitor on who I'm friend with. I can't name them. But my mom knows there is, I was so extremely stuttered to listen on what she says. She told me to be careful. People would have used me, because my family owns a massive amount of money. So, all I know is if I found out whoever you are. Don't even bother to say sorry, once I saw you, I spit on you. You are nothing but a whore. You deserves that title, so EFF OFF bitch. Cheers♥
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
You know what? Today is amusing yet tiring. Okay let me tell you from the start. Woke up at 6.30, rushed to school got duty for SeafieldFM on 7.10 but ended up arriving there 5 minutes late, so the song is already started without me. Then, met up with teacher incharge. Later, bump into counselling teacher, asked me to meet her. Talk about my life with her, from 7.55 up to 9.15 skips two or three period, couldn't remember. Got back in class and do my Kerja Kayu, ended up that thing broke, so had to do it all over again. Went to recess, back from recess being annoyed by Nageswari, it's an everyday routine. Then, went for Agama class, watching Munawar playing my Kendama and laughing at Syed Hariz's joke. Yet, didn't concentrate in class much. Transferred my pictures in Editorial Board. Back to class and got BM homework. Gone to called Shafiqah's mother if she can stayback, while on our queue for phone, saw Jonathan Stanley's friend caught up with a Gay dude, which is Puan Lim's son, he held his friend's arm so tightly and asked about his age and stuff. Jonathan ran away because afraid of being the next victim. Shafiqah told me all about that Gay ass, the way he abused Shafiqah's brother and Hakim. OMG, pity them. Okay back to the point. I couldn't stop laughing until I reached my class. Reached there and play with Kendama with all of my classmates. Haha, what a day. Moving on... Then went back at my crib with Shafiqah, at 1.35, ate lunch at school's canteen. Called Adam, he told me won't be coming. Then, went to DIY for a little shopping for our Kerja Kayu. Done it in black and white. Then chatted on Shafiqah's facebook status about the Gay and stuff. Revealing her love towards Hakim. Then, went to guitar class at 5.20. Finished it on 6, bought siew pao and tuna puff. Ate it for dinner, continueing the Kerja Kayu, till now. Cheers♥ |
Eat Chat, Sleep Chat, Breathe Chat
Talk it out loud
About the users,
Off and go. ![]() Hey, I'm Norule, already 15. And my personal assistant for this blog is Shafiqah. If she feels that she wants to blog, she will blog. She always quotes so that's how you can tear apart the differences. Oh yeah, the person who wore the yellow shirt is Shafiqah. That's all, bye Reminiscence,
Recall the love past.
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